Our Services
We CAN Help with...
Coming for a visit?
Working holiday?
Further education?
Permanent residency?
Family Reunification?
Refugee claims?
Language Testing?
Citizenship applications?
Problems to overcome?
We CAN Help with...
Temporary Resident Visa
Temporary Resident Permit
Procedural Fairness Letter
Criminal Rehabilitation
Humanitarian & Compassionate Applications
Detention Reviews
Russell Immigration Services
is available to be
Your Representative.
Mission Statement
"Making Canada better,
one client at a time!"

Our Vision
People from around the world come to Canada for many reasons in the pursuit of a betterment for their families and themselves. Whether it be touring explorations, working holidays, to escape strife and conflict, to escape persecution, pursue business opportunities, enhance education, to re-unite as a family, or just to enjoy a better life. Our goal is to help make those plans reality.